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Let it Be Your Power NOT Your Weakness

A very common misconception about disabilities is that disabilities don't actually have a "look" like many people believe them to have.  I think that's the main reason people have so many questions and sometimes even judgments towards people with disabilities. I have been victim to peoples judgments and their "ideas" of what I should look like.  I don't fit the mold of what someone in a wheelchair should look like nor do I fit the mold of someone NOT in a wheelchair.  Anyone who knows someone with a disability or someone who has a disability totally and completely understands that a disability doesn't look a certain way. "Why are you in a wheelchair?" "How can you walk?" "What's wrong with you?" "Why do you walk like that?" "How come you stand on your feet weird?" "Why are you shaking so much?" These are all questions that I get on a regular basis.  Sometimes the questions bot

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